In this exercise, you will determine the effects of water on latent prints. Take a drinking glass and handle it, making sure to leave fingerprint impressions on it. Immerse the glass in water for several hours. After a significant length of time, visually



In this exercise, you will determine the effects of water on latent prints. Take a drinking glass and handle it, making sure to leave fingerprint impressions on it. Immerse the glass in water for several hours. After a significant length of time, visually examine the glass and see if you can still see your fingerprints. Attempt this in a variety of conditions such as hot water, cold water, soapy water, or salt water. Keep notes on your results under each condition. Post your results in essay format under assignments. A discussion of at least 300-500 words is required. You are required to use APA format and include your references. Please refer to the Essay Rubrics.

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