In this writing assignment, you will explore how organizations use business process management (BPM). Write a one- page (250-word) paper explaining how organizations use business process management (BPM). Be sure to use at least one specific example from



In this writing assignment, you will explore how organizations use business process management (BPM). Write a one- page (250-word) paper explaining how organizations use business process management (BPM). Be sure to use at least one specific example from the CSU Online Library, and address the following in your paper: What is business process management (BPM)? Why do processes need management? What are BPM activities? I will find a source from my universities on line library to add into the paper once finished. Please be sure to cite at least one additional source briefly (No long copy and pastes please). All work will be checked against a database that will show work that is copied from somewhere else. It needs to be original. Thanks for any help!!

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