In your introduction, briefly describe your issue or topic. Also, provide epidemiological information on the following: morbidity and mortality among the specific group, community, or country.

social sciences


In your introduction, briefly describe your issue or topic. Also, provide epidemiological information on the following: morbidity and mortality among the specific group, community, or country. Next section will be your methods, in which you describe keywords and how you conducted your literature review. Then, in your discussion section, discuss at least three interventions published in the scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluate the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describe the intervention (e.g. target audience, experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assess the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential i Abstract. (5 points) Introduction to the topic of choice (one paragraph). (5 points)Answer all questions pertaining to your topic in Discussion section. Your methods section is also included in these points. (10 points)Conclusion- summary of overall research, quality, and potential recommendations you would (or would not) make regarding this global health issue. (5 points)Reference page (include at least 7 references primarily from peer-reviewed journals); exclusive of 3-5 page paper requirement. (10 points)APA format, grammar, structure, effort, overall professionalism of paper. (5 points) mpact/generalizability of the intervention). Conclusion offers a good wrap-up of everything discussed wherein!

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