Information Systems in Health Care Organizations Instructions: Respond to the following questions with sufficient detail to demonstrate that you understand the material presented. responses should total about 2 pages, single-spaced. Do NOT include any direct quotations, but write everything in your own words. you must include an APA in-text citation and a reference page, in APA format, added to your paper. Question 1: Explain how an organization can insure its information systems are designed to enable their strategic outcomes. Question 2: Select a standard used to share data among different health information systems and explain how it works, tell when it became a standard, and identify the standard's authorizing body. Use of at least one resource. Question 3: Explain how technology solutions in the health care industry improve the quality of care, safety and financial management decisions. Question 4: List and define one legal, one ethical and one regulatory policy issue associated with health care and explain how each would be accommodated in a health care information system. If your answer incudes a standard, regulation or law, you should provide any relevant dates as to when they went into effect. I hope someone can help me answer these 4 questions. : )
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