is concerned with ensuring that sewer's objects are durable and that the service provides failure atomicity.



QI. is concerned with ensuring that sewer's objects are durable and that the service provides failure atomicity. 

Q2. Static load distribution algorithms make use of nowledge of the system. 

Q3. A backup replica manager is used in active replication to handle failure (Yes/No). 

Q4. Lamport shostak pease algorithm can solve the Byzantine agreement problem if there are 5 faulty processors among a set of 16 processors. (True/False)

 Q5. Number of Probe messages initiated from a site S depends upon the number of processes in that site that are locally dependent on other processes in that site.(True/False) 

Q6. In Timestamp ordering suppose a transaction T9 wants to read an object A which has been written by a committed transaction T 11, Will T9 be able to read A.(Yes/No)

Q7. A distributed system can be called as a, 

a) Mutliprocessor system 

b) Uniprocessor system 

c) Virtual Uniprocessor system 

d) none of the mentioned. 

Q8. In Distributed file systems the data can be cached in and of the clients. In Lamports algorithm for distributed mutual exclusion if there are 39 sites in a request set R14 for site S14, then the total number of reply messages required per critical section execution are 

QIO. Full replication algorithm is an extension of Migration algorithm.(Yes/No)

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