Look at the different ways "intelligence" can be described: different than emotional intelligence; achievement; culturally specific; learned; innate With all of these different notions of intelligence, how can one test fit all, so to speak? Why attempt to quantify something so variable? Some research has shown that socio-economic status (SES) can affect how genes develop in utero. For example, in the United Kingdom, research shows that the environment can moderate the effect of genes - a phenomenon called gene-environment (GxE) interaction. Several studies have found that socioeconomic status (SES) modifies the heritability of children's intelligence. Among low-SES families, genetic factors have been reported to explain less of the variance in intelligence; the reverse is found for high-SES families. (Hanscombe, K.B., et. al., 2012) Is the same true in the United States? Why or why not?
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