Is the growing global dominance of neoliberal (a.k.a. “free market”) capitalism increasing the economic and political freedoms of most people on the planet?
(i) After outlining the thesis you will develop, briefly outline the range of positions on the issue along the spectrum running from neoliberal/conservative through liberal to radical and indicate how your thesis relates to these positions.
(ii) As your argument unfolds, indicate not only where you stand but also why, and not only how you justify your position but also, at least briefly, what you consider the main problems with the positions you’re rejecting.
(iii) It’s vital to take into account readings and discussions from all four sections of the course up to February 28 (and especially the section on politics as well as the one on economics), begin your preparation for this paper (not necessarily the paper itself) by reviewing and comparing what Norberg, Steger (especially in Ch. 7), and Hickel 2012 (especially at the end) have to say about the relationship between what we’re calling neoliberal globalization and freedom in both its economic and its political dimensions, including their different views regarding the relationship between neoliberalism and democracy.
here a link to chapter 7, (Steger distinguishes between globalization and three types of globalism – market globalism, jihadist globalism, and justice globalism in chapter 7. Globalization is a social process, while globalism is an ideology that endows a concept of globalization with a particular concept or value. He considers market globalism the dominant ideology of our time and believes that there are five major ideological claims of market globalism. When discussing justice globalism, the book uses, by way of example, the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999 to highlight this emerging social justice movement. Steger does an excellent job of using the 9/11 attack to illustrate the devastating effect that jihadist globalism can have, highlighting the fact that Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda terrorists fed on the perceived “Americanization” of the world to justify their actions.)
please read all the guidelines: GUIDELINES
Length -‐-‐ Your paper should consist of about FIVE pages of writing, double-‐spaced, in 12-‐point font, with one-‐inch margins. If it contains less than four and a half pages of writing, your grade will almost certainly suffer. If it includes more than six pages of writing, I reserve the right to base your grade only on the first six pages. Additions – It’s important to consider these but don’t include them in calculating your five pages: a REQUIRED bibliography that lists the sources you cite in exactly the manner they appear in the course bibliography (on the website under Syllabus and Course Documents); your bibliography should NOT include sources you’ve consulted but not cited numbered notes -‐-‐ these are sometimes called “footnotes” but if you choose to use them, you should insert them as “endnotes,” i.e. between the end of your paper and the bibliography acknowledgments -‐-‐ if talking about your paper with other people has helped you write it, you should thank them for their help in your first endnote pictures -‐-‐ you’re welcome to include any you consider relevant, either in the body of the paper or between the end of the paper (and any endnotes) and the bibliography; for each picture you include, provide a caption that includes information about the source
Make an argument -‐-‐ Develop your own, well-‐reasoned argument backed by carefully selected evidence. Don’t provide a “book report” that simply summarizes what others have written and don’t just assert your own opinion or feelings. Imagine yourself trying to make a persuasive case to a fellow student who doesn’t know much about the subject matter of our course.
Write what you really think – Don’t try write something that matches where you think I stand. I give high grades for arguments that are well constructed and low grades for ones aren’t regardless of where people position themselves along the spectrum of views we’re considering.
Cite your sources -‐-‐ Scholars in Global Studies use several equally acceptable ways of citing written sources. In your papers for this course, after a direct quote or summary, you should put in parentheses in your text the name of the author, the year of publication of the edition of the text you are referencing, and, when appropriate, the page number or numbers – e.g. (Ross 2013: 14-‐15). People often leave out the year but this is important so please include it. If there are sources that you cannot cite in this way (e.g. information encountered on the web or help provided by people you have talked with), use endnotes to identify them
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