Make a synopsis of the current situation and justify your analysis with factual data from the case.



You are required to study the attached Case Study “Trouble at Tessei” in detail and based on your observations and analysis,you are required to prepare an Individual Report of 3000 words addressing the following questions



1.     Make a synopsis of the current situation and justify your analysis with factual data from the case. Illustrate with all the key financial and operational metrics.

Total Marks- 25                                


2.     Is this situation related to only about an Operational Inefficiency or is there an Human behavioural aspects to this case. Justify with evidence.    

Total Marks- 15                               


3.     You have been hired as a consultant to turn things around at Tessei. As an advisor to Yabe what would be the actions you would recommend to him.     

Total Marks- 20    


4.     Are there characteristics that you see in Tessei’s operations that remind you of challenges, people dependent service organizations like the airlines or hotels face. What are the implications for such companies and how will you seek to address them?      

Total Marks- 15                               

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