Standard Build policy and Documentation HomeworkPurpose“Mitigating the risk to critical systems from vulnerabilities in the operating system build is an important responsibility of any system administrator. In organizations with a large number of servers, running multiple applications and services, managing the state of production builds can be a time-consuming exercise. Regardless of the size of an organization’s IT infrastructure, it is crucial from a security perspective that administrators know the detail of the production operating system configuration on the servers for which they are responsible. Establishing a standard system build policy for each operating system is the foundation upon which to build an understanding of systems, improving the ability to detect a change and to understand the risk posed by new threats.” - SANS Operating System Build Management in the EnterpriseGoalTo develops and writes a standard build policy for is the developer and manufacturer of numerous revolutionary products and services. development plans, manufacturing processes, and business practices are legendary and sought after trade secrets. As part of their ever-developing Information Security Program. has contracted you to develop and document the standard build policy and documentation for their Ubuntu Servers, Windows 7 workstations, and their Windows Server2012 R2 servers. This documentation should contain the following:
A standard build policy that contains the following sections:o Overview Purpose Scope Policy Policy Compliance Related Standards, Policies and Processeso Definition and Terms Revision History
A standard Build Checklist and Sign off sheet for new Ubuntu Server Builds
A standard Build Checklist and Sign off sheet for new Windows 7 Workstation Builds
A standard Build Checklist and Sign off sheet for new Windows Server 2012 Builds
A standard Build Checklist and Sign off sheet for any new services that we add throughout the course
A standard build policy that contains the following sections:
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