Module 2 Homework Assignment Tekia Johnson Chapter 3 Critical Thinking Exercises What are the primary risks to data and information in transit? Is there any information sent over a network that is completely harmless if read? Justify your answer. Compare



Module 2 Homework Assignment Tekia Johnson Chapter 3 Critical Thinking Exercises What are the primary risks to data and information in transit? Is there any information sent over a network that is completely harmless if read? Justify your answer. Compare and contrast asymmetric and symmetric key cryptography. List at least three benefits and drawbacks of each. 

 Explain in your own words why time is on the side of the attacker with intercepted network communications. Research the modern usage of the RSA cipher; what is the current key strength and why does it change periodically? How is the current key length determined? Explain in your own words the system by which the product PGP signs public keys for users. Is this an effective system and what is the risk if someone is incorrectly authorized?

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