Complex Engineering Problem!
In chemical Industrial plants liquid tanies are used to keep liquid whose level must be
maintained up to a certain points
To accomplish this task Induction motors are widely used to control Inlet flow of liquid based on
level signal, coming from level sensor? Speed of induction motor can be controlled by AC drive
Design a control mechanism which accurately control the speed of induction motor based on
following requirements
a) Changing of the tank level due to the variations of outlet ligurd quantities brings to as
quickly and accurately as the defined point.
b) As the liquid level goes down for 500 millimeters from its upper threshold level it must
bere maintained to original level within 5 sec (keep the volume of tanke 100000 cubic
c) The liquid level should never exceed the upper threshold level
Submit the solution in form of report (4-6 Pages) that must include,
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3 Methodology
4. Results
5. Conclusion
6. References
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