On completion of the module students will be able to evaluate working with children and families from a range of theoretical frameworks.







Bachelor of Arts Honours Applied Social Studies in Social Care CW_HKASS_H_4



Module Title


Children and Families



Assignment Number




Assignment Type


Case Study






Submission date





Module:  Children and Families



Learning Outcomes:


On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to:


LO1: On completion of the module students will be able to evaluate working with children and families from a range of theoretical frameworks.

LO2: Articulate and appraise the range of interventions employed in working with children and families who have experienced abuse, trauma and a range of stresses in their lives.

LO3:  Critically evaluate assessment, intervention and ongoing support frameworks used when working with children and families.



Assignment 1:


Case Sudy: 40%


With reference to theory and best practice principles students are required to complete the Meitheal Strengths and Needs Record Form for the Case Study given. 

Once completed students are required to articulate and appraise the range of interventions they have highlighted in the Strengths and Needs Record Form.


The Meitheal form can be found by doing a google search for: Meitheal Strengths and Needs Form.


(The completed form needs to be handed in with the hard copy of the assignment however should not be included in the word count and not put through Turnitin)



Word Count: 1,500 +/-10%


This assignment is worth 40% of your overall grade



Assignment should:

         Typed in Times New Roman or Ariel font size 12

         Spacing 1.5

         Adopt a discursive, formal, objective tone throughout.

         Provide a word count at the end excluding reference list

         A cover page with student name, student number, module and lecturer name

         You must include a reference list

         You must attach the feedback sheet


Assignments must be submitted to Turnitin by 9.59pm on the submission date. If assignments are not submitted via Turnitin, this will be regarded as a non-submission and no mark will be awarded.

A hard copy must also be handed up on the submission date.

Failure to submit on the specified submission date will result in a 0 mark.  To receive marks, work must be submitted to Turnitin and a hard copy submitted.

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