ounterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)" Choose one (1) CWB from the abuse against others category and one (1) CWB from the production deviance category, and then examine at least two (2) possible causes of each CWB. Next, provide at least one (1) exampl



Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)" Choose one (1) CWB from the abuse against others category and one (1) CWB from the production deviance category, and then examine at least two (2) possible causes of each CWB. Next, provide at least one (1) example of the potential impact of each chosen CWB on an organization. Using the two (2) causes of each CWB from Part 1, suggest the course of action an employer could take in order to change the employees’ behaviors, as well as to address the possible diagnosed contributors to those CWBs. Justify your response.

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