A java program file A screen shot of the output and a description of your Java program Label each file name according to the section of the assignment for which it is written. Put both sections together in a single zip file and submit the zip file. Suppose you are a Java programmer for an investment company. Your Chief Technology Officer (CTO) has asked you to development an interactive Java application that will be used by investment advisors to analyze clients’ bank portfolios. The application must show the investment advisor the total value of the assets, and the value of the individual assets (savings account, stocks investments, and bonds investments).
Section 1: Java Program File Create a Java program according to the specifications stated below: Include a composition class called “FinancialPortofolio” Public attributes for the composition class must include the client’s first name (string data type), last name (string data type), portfolio number (integer data type), and total value of the portfolio (double data type) The composition class must include a savings account class called “SavingsAccount” with the following public attributes: an account number (string), and an account balance (double) The composition class must include a bonds class called “Bonds” with the following public attributes: bond name (string), face value (double), and number of bonds (integer) The composition class must include a stocks class called “Stocks” with the following public attributes: stock name (string), stock value (float), and number of shares (integer) Create setters and getters methods for all the public attributes in each of the classes Create objects that prompt the user (investment advisor) to enter all of the values for each of the classes The savings account object must add the balance to the portfolio total value The bonds object must add the total bonds value (bond value multiplied by the number of bonds) to the portfolio total value The stocks object must add the total stocks value (stock value multiplied by the number of shares) to the total portfolio value When a user (investment advisor) runs the Java program, it must prompt the advisor to enter the financial portfolio data, savings account data, stocks data, and bonds data.
The program must compute the total value of the portfolio for each asset (savings account, stocks, and bonds). When all of the data has been entered and the total value of the portfolio has been calculated, the program must display the results using the following format as an example: Portfolio Name: Jane’s PortfolioSavings account: Blue Bank ($2000.00)Bonds: Derby ($3000.00)Stocks: IBM ($10000.00)Portfolio value: $15000.00
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