Paste your Excel image from Scenario_1 here using the guidelines provided in the instructions. Be sure that data is clearly legible and fits within the margins of the Word document.



Student Identification Section (enter your name and NetID below)


Name:                       Lastname, Firstname

UANetID:                  Your UANetID (e.g. jjones1234)

E-tegrity Statement Section




Excel Application Section



Task 1(a):  

          <enter your answer here>

Task 1(b):  

          <enter your answer here>


Scenario 1 Answers


Task 2(a):
< Paste your Excel image from Scenario_1 here using the guidelines provided in the instructions.  Be sure that data is clearly legible and fits within the margins of the Word document.  You will not receive credit for anything that cannot be seen.>

Task 2(b):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell B9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>


Task 2(c):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell C9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>


Task 2(d):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell D9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>


Task 2(e):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell E9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>


Task 2(f):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell F9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>


Task 2(g):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell G9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>


Task 2(h):
<insert your formula from Scenario_1 cell H9 here; ensure it is a valid formula>

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