Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor
will explain each assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the
submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor
if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and
adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If
any assessment task is not fully addressed, then your assessment task will be
returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor will remain available
to support you throughout the assessment process.
Written work
Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and
underpinning skills and knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When
undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you address the
following criteria:
Ø Address each question including any sub-points
Ø Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly
Ø Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner
Ø Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word
Ø Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every
Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate
in your studies. Active participation is completing all the assessment tasks on
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts,
writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a
serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you
have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment,
please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the
activities for which a learner can be accused of plagiarism:
Ø Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
Ø Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner
Ø Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
Ø Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of
sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.
If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your
assessment, then a meeting will be organised to discuss this with you, and
further action may be taken accordingly.
Collusion is the presentation by a learner
of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in whole or in part
of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion
involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms
of academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary
action. Collusion or copying from other learners is not permitted and will
result in a “0” grade and NYC.
Assessments must be typed using document
software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten assessments will not be
accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the trainer/assessor
to confirm).
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