Hi. I have another writing assignment. I will attach everything like guide-line, sample paper, and annotated bibliography which you did before. So please check the guide-line, and give me the answer if you can do this or not. Thank you. Download Attachments: annotated.docx Problem, Solution, and Barriers Paper Description and Rubric.docx sample.docx Will you do this assignment? If then, please use your own words since this course has strict rule of academic misconduct policies. And also using simple words and grammar. English is not my first language, so using simple sentences then long one sentence as possible as you can. Thank you. This assignment is problem, solution, and barriers, so it should cover these things. My topic is general cancer awareness and solution, and also the target audience is college students not just general all people. It means that the contents of this paper should consider for college students. For example, the problem sections should cover why the college students have cancer and it will be issue. Then, how should we solve it, and what is barrier like just donate local non-profit organization.
I believe that you can analyze it from guide-line and sample document I attached. Thank you. Here is my instructor's feedback for Annotated bibliography: You need to clearly explain 1) how your sources are relevant to your topic and 2) why each source is credible. You did not address these two questions for all your five sources. Please carefully read the description and rubric for your next assignment. The other thing that I am concerned about is the references for the APA style. Please see my changes and comments carefully. So, next time, please double check your references and APA style. I just want to make sure what you missed previous of my assignment. Then, please make it clearly so that I will not miss any points. Thank you.
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