PROJECT MANAGEMENT Base your answer on the book. I will provide access to the book online through Describe what a functional organization is. Make sure you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this structure.



PROJECT MANAGEMENT Base your answer on the book. I will provide access to the book online through Describe what a functional organization is. Make sure you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this structure. Describe what a matrix organization is. Make sure you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this structure. What are the responsibilities of the project manager in a matrix organization? What is the role of a project management office? What organizational structure best supports having a project management office, and why? What project organization(s) do you have experience with? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that project organization? Book Access Web page: Username: Password: ci23694737 Book: Gido, J. & Clements, J.P. (2015). Successful project management, (6th Ed.). Thomson South-Western.

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