Provide a brief 1-3 paragraph description of the business that will be the basis of your Data Warehouse Project.

computer science


Section 1 – Requirements


Business Description


Provide a brief 1-3 paragraph description of the business that will be the basis of your Data Warehouse Project. Use less detail for a well-understood business, e.g. Amazon, and more detail for a unique business, e.g. your family business. Include a list and description of the problems that your Data Warehouse project is attempting to resolve.


Business Requirements


List and describe the business requirements of your Database and Data Warehouse project. Business Requirements describe what the business users will “see” when using the new system. The Business Requirements will be the basis for SQL queries that you will write later so it is a good idea to number them so you can refer to them later.


Conceptual Data Model


The Conceptual Data Model identifies the major entities that will be included in the Database. Chapter 01 includes a discussion of Conceptual Data Modeling. Figure 1.14 on Page 34 is a good example of a Conceptual Data Model. Visio may be used to draw the Conceptual Data Model.


Database Requirements


List and describe the business rules (Database Requirements) related to the business, with a focus on those business rules that could/should be enforced by a database solution? Do not include policies and procedures that are unrelated to the Database being developed, e.g. dress code is unrelated unless you are building an HR system that needs to track dress code violations. Page 34 (Analyzing Database Requirements) gives a good example of Database Requirements. Note the relationship to the Conceptual Data Model.


Note: See Chapter 1 for this section.



Section 2 – Data Models


Logical Data Model


Create a Logic Data Model as defined in Chapters 2 and 3 in the textbook. The model should be completed using Visio and inserted into a Word document. Describe each of the entities in a sentence or two. Consider the following concepts:


       The Logical Data Model should be implementation independent, i.e. there is no assumption that the future database will be SQL Server, Oracle, etc.; however, this is seldom true.


       For the DBAs and experienced SQL programmers in the class, Logical Data Models do not need to include Foreign Keys. Foreign Keys would be included in a Physical Data Model, which is not required for this project.


Data Model Balancing


This is not actually a section of the project but rather a concept. Verify that Data Models accurately reflect the Business Rules defined in Section 01. If necessary, go back and add additional Business Rules to better clarify the Data Models.


Note: See Chapters 2 and 3 for this section.

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