Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It’ by Cal Newport and ‘Don’t Quit Social Media. Put it to Work for Your Career Instead’ by P. Gillooly present two opposing viewpoints. Compare their content, structure, and style to assess their effectiveness



Documented Essay



       Write an essay of 600 and 800 words ONE of the topics below.

       All the related readings are available on eReserve. Look for the tag ‘Documented Research Essay’.

       In your essay you must make documented use (whether in the form of quotation, paraphrase, or summary) of between two and four secondary sources.  

       You must also include your primary (textbook) and secondary sources (books, the Internet, interviews, periodicals, newspapers, and audiovisual material) in a list of references on a separate sheet.

       Both the list and in-text documentation must conform to APA style guidelines.

       Please underline your thesis and double space the text of your essay.

Due Dates:

       Article Summary (5%) = Friday, October 23, 2020

       Essay outline (10%) = Friday, November 6, 2020.

       APA Reference List (5%) = Friday, November 27, 2020

       Final Documented Essay (25%) = Friday, December 11, 2020.

Students who are unable to submit the assignment on the day it is due must inform the professor before the due date. A mark of 10% will be deducted for each day past the due date up to two days. A grade of ‘0’ will be given after that date. There will be no make-up assignments.


  1. ‘Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It’ by Cal Newport and ‘Don’t Quit Social Media. Put it to Work for Your Career Instead’ by P. Gillooly present two opposing viewpoints. Compare their content, structure, and style to assess their effectiveness. Who do you agree with more?
  2. Compare ‘Finding a Nationality that Fits’ by Isabel Vincent and ‘An Immigrant’s Split Personality’ by Yi Sun-Kyung as persuasive texts.
  3. Assess ‘Chicken Hips’ by Catherine Pigott as an attempt to show how our society, including media, imposes its values and forces young people to be unhappy with themselves.
  4. In ‘Growing Up Native’ by Carol Geddes, the author has used description, cause and effect, and first-person narrative to portray the hardships a Native Canadian girl had to endure. How successful is the author in achieving her purpose?
  5. Josh Dehaas in ‘The College Advantage’ claims that there is a rise in the number of university-educated individuals choosing college programs to acquire more transferable skills. What could be some positive and negative effects of this trend?

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