Read "Class" by Eric Lott from Keywords for American Cultural Studies Choose three representative sites from our list Emiliano bonilla, “Life in Alabama during the 1930’s,”, May 20, 2014,



Read "Class" by Eric Lott from Keywords for American Cultural Studies Choose three representative sites from our list Emiliano bonilla, “Life in Alabama during the 1930’s,”, May 20, 2014, The Great Depression. (n.d.). Retrieved March 06, 2016, from U.S, , "Sinking Deeper and Deeper: 1929-33. The Great Depression". Accessed 3/4/2016. Post a short response essay (300-500 words) to your ePortfolio that follows these guidelines: a. Your first paragraph should briefly summarize and evaluate the main argument of Lott’s essay. How does he characterize class in America? What questions do his main points raise for you? How would you answer these questions? b. In the body paragraphs of this essay connect the sites you’ve chosen from the Research Blog to Lott’s essay. How do the sites posted to the class research blog offer insight into the aspects of American culture displayed by the image? Do these sites support Lott’s claims or raise new aspects of class that should be considered further?

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