Read Chapter 12 inGlobal Business Today. Write a paper in which you identify and describe how the company you selected in Workshop One could accomplish local responsiveness using the global standardization strategy, transnational strategy, international s



Read Chapter 12 inGlobal Business Today. Write a paper in which you identify and describe how the company you selected in Workshop One could accomplish local responsiveness using the global standardization strategy, transnational strategy, international strategy, and localization strategy. How do differences in the strength of pressures for cost reductions versus those for local responsiveness affect your selected company’s strategy? Your paper should consist of at least three pages, use proper spelling, grammar, and APA formatting – and have a title page, three references, and reference page which are not included in the count. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop. The company I'm choosing is INEOS -

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