Replacement of an existing Inspection database that is used for tracking details of a Project, typically a building, for inspection of Fall Protection Anchors that are installed on that Project for the purpose of building maintenance, window washing etc.

computer science



Replacement of an existing Inspection database that is used for tracking details of a Project, typically a building, for inspection of Fall Protection Anchors that are installed on that Project for the purpose of building maintenance, window washing etc. Each Project has an annual inspection where an inspector will visit the site and inspect and on occasion test the Anchors installed. Each anchor is currently photographed by the inspector with their mobile device and notes taken and these are used by the Engineer as part of the inspection report to decide if the anchor and system has passed the inspection or if any remedial work will be required. Currently photos are uploaded manually and renamed based upon their location and linked to that inspection folder and an inspection report (Word doc) generated from Inspection details that are entered into the Access database at the office. Ideally this will be automated such that the Inspector can take the photo, name it and have it uploaded automatically to that year’s inspection and the inspection report can be produced on site via the users mobile device along with other documentation that needs to be entered on site such as Hazard Assessment, Load Tests. Once inspection report is generated this is reviewed by the Engineer and stamped if approved and sent to the customer along with a quote. Some Projects require a load test (Load Test) to be carried out every 5 years, this is a more thorough inspection and involves loading the anchors. Load tests require recording Anchor #, Load applied and remarks along with details of who performed the test. Customers are notified a month prior to their inspection by email that is generated from the current Access database. Each Project will have details such as the address, product installed (varied and multiple), multiple and varied contacts associated with the Project ie: Property Manager, Site Contact, Billing Contact, Owner etc. 

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