Researchers wanted to test whether people’s support for animal rights activists would be influenced by the extremity of the activists’ behaviors.




Details of Study : Researchers wanted to test whether people’s support for animal rights activists would be influenced by the extremity of the activists’ behaviors. In an experiment, participants were randomly assigned to read one of two fake news reports (variable = condition) that differed in the extremity of the activists behavior. Specifically, participants read about a made up animal rights group that engaged in protest behavior that researchers considered to be Moderate (the activists picketed outside a cosmetic company’s building) or Extreme (the activists broke into and vandalized the building and freed the animals held inside).


After reading the fake news article, participants answered questions about 1) how extreme they thought the activist group was, and 2) four items to measure their support of the activist group.[1]



Information about the Participants in the Study


A categorical variable that measures biological sex. Participants in the study were only given the option to report Male / Female.


A continuous variable of the participant’s age (in years)


Details about the Experimental Condition


A categorical variable with two levels that describes which version of the news article participants read before making their ratings of the group.

     Moderate : the activists picketed outside a cosmetic company’s building

     Extreme : the activists snuck into the building, vandalized the building, and freed the animals held inside

Attitude Measures

Continuous Variables Rated on a Scale from 1 (Not at All) to 5 (As Much as Possible)


“How extreme do you find the protesters’ behavior to be?”


“How similar do you feel to these activists?”


“How much do you support the activists described in the news report?”


How willing or unwilling would you be to join this group as a member?”


“Overall, how much do you support FTV’s cause (ending the use of animal testing)?”

Make sure to complete ALL SIX PROBLEMS below (Problems 1-5 are worth 20 points, Problem 6 worth 1 point). Partial credit is your friend! If you get stuck, just document what you tried and move on.

Problem 1 : Load the Data, Describe Participants, and Graph the Experimental Conditions [4 Points]



Paste Your R Output Here

Load the dataset into R: show that you loaded the data successfully and display the number of participants in the dataset.


Plot the variable age as a histogram, and report the mean, standard deviation, and range of this variable.


Plot the variable sex, and report the number of Males and Females in the study.


Plot the variable Condition and report the number of participants in each condition.




[1] these data are from a real study. we will discuss the study and its implications for real-life more when we return to lecture. 

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