Rich Gray son tapped his desk as he looked over the consultant’s respons one more time. As ce president for customer support at Bruce-Alfred Techno1oes (BAD, Grayson was in charre of technical support services. He was scheduled to meet the next duy with BAT’s ŒO and other senior executives and comment on the report’ s recommenditions for improving those services, as well as offer his own recommendations foc improving qualm’ and controlling costs BAT’s tech support call center bad expenenced a signthcant increase in call volume over the past several quarters. and customer service was sunxig Waiting times were lengthy and call abandonment rates were disturbulEly high Outside consultants had examined the problem and had proposed a program they called Fast Track. in which BAT would give customers the option of paying a fee for tech support in renru for a promise of a vely short waiting time to speak to a technician. While this idea could solve some problems affecting customer relationships and
benefit the bottom line, it violated one of BATs key points of marketplace differentiation: free technical support for all BAT products.
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