Roy Baumeister and his colleagues study self-regulation. In other words, they ask why don't we eat all of the tasty tidbits we encounter, attend parties when we should be studying,



·      Please be sure to create a cover page so I can keep track of who submitted the document J

·      Read each question FULLY and CAREFULLY before answering. 

·      Use your time well – look over the exam before starting and develop a plan.  If you are stuck on a problem, move on and come back to it later.

·      If you are completely stuck on a problem that is marked with an ***, you may ask me and I will indicate what the right steps are to solve that part of the question.  This will allow you to proceed with subsequent questions that rely on these steps.  Obviously, you will not earn credit for those points and you should use this option judiciously.

·      Be clear about what you are doing.  The more clearly and explicitly your steps are indicated, the easier it will be for me to award partial credit.

·      Be sure to refer to Gravetter and Wallnau as this exam will cover material learned in both RSM701 and RSM801 (which use the same book).

·      You may also wish to refer to Pace’s e-guide to SPSS as a refresher for how to conduct the tests (as well as videos placed in the helpful resources folder in the classroom).

·      If you are confused about a question, ask me.  I may not be able answer, but I may provide a useful clarification.  It doesn’t hurt to ask.

·      If you are confused about a question, ask me.  I may not be able answer as I cannot give the answer, but I may provide a useful clarification.  It doesn’t hurt to ask.





Open “Final Exam Data” data in SPSS.


About these data: 

Roy Baumeister and his colleagues study self-regulation. In other words, they ask why don't we eat all of the tasty tidbits we encounter, attend parties when we should be studying, and have sex with every attractive potential partner who crosses our path?  In short, how do we manage to forgo temptation? An exploration of (fictitious) data regarding these questions will comprise the bulk of the final lab exam. 

The data set you opened represents scores of 800 recent college graduates who participated in a study.  First, participants were asked to control their emotions while watching a very sad movie, and then completed challenging set of brain teasers.  One week later, participants returned to the lab and again watched a sad movie.  This time, they were not asked to control their emotions and completed a different (but equally challenging) set of brain teasers.  In both cases, the researchers measured how much participants persisted at the difficult brain teasers.  The variables in this data set are:



Unique subject identifier from 1-800


Personality Type (0 = Introvert; 1 = Extrovert)


Persistence after watching a sad movie and being asked to control emotions (1-10 scale; higher numbers indicate greater persistence).


Persistence after watching a sad movie and NOT being asked to control emotions (1-10 scale; higher numbers indicate greater persistence).


Self-report of need for control in the environment, measured two months before participating in the study (1-5 scale; higher numbers indicate greater need for control over one's environment)


First job or activity following college graduation (0 = Public service job; 1 = Graduate school; 2 = Travel; 3 = Private sector job)



  1. Create a new variable that represents the z-score of persistence on the brain teasers after being asked to control emotions (CTRL_PER). 2 points SAVE FILE AS “LASTNAME.SAV” (SPSS WILL AUTOMATICALLY ADD THE .SAV EXTENSION TO DATA FILES). BE SURE TO ATTACH THIS FILE TO BLACKBOARD


  1. Analyze whether persistence on the brain teasers after being asked to control emotions contains any outliers. Write up your conclusion (using stats and a figure to back up your conclusions). Report what you would do if you do find any outliers (delete, remove, transform), but leave the variable as is.  4 points


  1. Is self-reported need to control one’s environment associated with persistence scores when participants did not control their emotions after watching a sad move (variable NO_CTRL_PER)?  The following questions are worth a total of 8 points.

A.    What is the appropriate test to conduct to answer this question?

B.     Conduct the appropriate test to answer this question.  Paste your output in your Word document.




Write your results in APA format as if you were writing them in a journal article.

Related Questions in statistics category

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