School of Computing, Science & Engineering Assignment Assessment Criteria and Marking Scheme.

computer science


School of Computing, Science & Engineering Assignment Assessment Criteria and Marking Scheme. 

Note that this is only a guide to marking and credit will be given

There will be some question and answer sessions during scheduled tutorial times.

You can obtain further support for this assessment by attending Tarek’s surgery. The time and date of surgery sessions can be found in the staff section of this module on Blackboard.

If you send me a query about this assessment via e-mail then I may respond by making an announcement via Blackboard so that the whole cohort can benefit from his answer.


The University offers a range of support services for students through askUS. 

Academic Misconduct 

The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you or taking notes into an exam. You can find out how to avoid academic misconduct here. 

Related Questions in computer science category

The ready solutions purchased from Library are already used solutions. Please do not submit them directly as it may lead to plagiarism. Once paid, the solution file download link will be sent to your provided email. Please either use them for learning purpose or re-write them in your own language. In case if you haven't get the email, do let us know via chat support.