Several countries are taking strategies to deal through the consequences of sexual harassment.




            Sexual harassment complaints are increasing in the workplaces. Several countries are taking strategies to deal through the consequences of sexual harassment. The countries have recommended the companies to develop the strict policies against of the sexual harassment. The today’s companies are dealing with this problem either pro-acting or reacting to some salient situations. Avendano (2018) figures out that as more than 85% women in United States have experienced the problem of sexual harassment while they are working workplace, the majority of such incidents going unreported, that make it difficult to present and analyze an accurate counting of how inescapable this problem is for employees and organization (Avendano, 2018). The tendency of these incidents emerging as part of time’s up initiative and some movement have encouraged renewed calls for an effective change in workplace. The organization need to have an effective policy to mitigate the sexual harassment in the workplace (Avendano, 2018).

Moreover, our organization should help the employees to be aware of what’s acceptable and what’s not for human interaction, positive touch, and affection in the workplace. The organization with zero in tolerance for sexual harassment, transparently implemented practices, and well-defined procedures and policies reduce the probability of sexual harassment in the workplace. Employees in the organization who are perceived as having tolerant climates and permissive attitudes for sexual harassment could still experience the negative impacts on work performance or attitudes. Therefore, to make the employees aware of sexual harassment, the organization should provide regular training or workshops. It will help to make the women feel as comfortable and aware of the employees about the organization’s strict policies against sexual harassment.


This proposal highlights that what is sexual harassment. It also identifies the effect of sexual harassment on people working in the workplace. This proposal also presents important strategies to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. The proposal aims to aware of the employees regarding the effect of sexual harassment and knows the strict policies against sexual harassment in the workplace. This proposal will apply to all employees working in the organization. It will help the employees to be worry-free from the fear of sexual harassment in the workplace. This paper will present a work plan that will help the organization to reduce or mitigate the sexual harassment in the workplace.


Birinxhikaj, & Guggisberg (2017) defines the concept of sexual harassment at the workplace and goes on to state:

“Sexual harassment, ostensibly the most private and delicate of work environment issues, should be managed by specialists not a board of trustees of a representative's companions. Enabling these boards of trustees to be aware of data with respect to inappropriate behaviour could chillingly effect on making complaints in this area.” (Birinxhikaj et al., 2017, p.7)

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