1. Show me all the films that have the word epic in their description. Only display the following columns: film id, title, description, release year. Sort them descending by film id and descending by release year.
2. Show me the different rental durations within the film table. Your SQL should eliminate any duplicate entries and only show me the distinct rental durations.
3. Show me all columns from the payment table where the amount is greater than or equal to 11.99. Sort the results by customer_id ascending.
4. Show me all the actors from the actor table. Show only one column that you name full_name; this is a concatenation of the last name and first name with a comma in between, order by last name descending.
5. I want to know how much more I could have made if I increased the amount charged on the payment table by 10%. Show me payment id, rental id, amount, and 10% of the amount for each record on the payment table. Your new column should be titled new_amount.
6. Show me all the films that have a rental duration in 2,6, or 7. You must demonstrate the use of the in keyword or points will be deducted.
7. Show me all columns from the customers whose last name begin with Ba sorted by last name in ascending order. You must demonstrate the use of the like keyword or points will be deducted.
8. Show me only the first name and last name of all the customers whose last name begin with C and are only 3 letters long. You must use a pattern string as a filter or points will be deducted.
9. Show me all the customers whose first name does not start with a A, sorted by first name ascending.
10. Show me all the staff who has a null password.
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