SPSS File WK3 original assignment to be used – if an ANOVA is used, must conduct and report a tukey post-hoc test



SPSS File WK3 original assignment to be used – if an ANOVA is used, must conduct and report a tukey post-hoc test


Student Request: Looking for assistance in answering all the inquiries below, but also assistance on instructions to go by in the future on how to derive at the answers so I can practice putting them in myself. While I need to the tables plugged in throughout the assignment, I need to be able to run through the SPSS software so I know also how to do it, so in the future I can apply in my future lab assignments as I am new to the software.




Describe the sound, environment, and test score variables. You should generate frequency tables and bar charts for the nominal variables. Generate and interpret descriptive statistics of central tendency for any continuous (scale) variables and include histograms with the normal curve superimposed for each scale variable. Label your tables and graphs according to APA format. Conclude with a paragraph summarizing this data.





Analyze whether test scores has any significant outliers. Write up your conclusion (using stats and a figure to back up your conclusions). Report what you would do if you do find any outliers (delete, remove, transform), but leave the variable as is.  




You want to know if participants in your sample performed significantly differently than the population of national students on a math exam (Variable TESTSCORE in the data set). You know that the population has a mean of 79.20.


  1. What test do you want to conduct?



  1. Conduct the test that you named in Step A. Paste the output into your Word document.



  1. Describe your result as if you were reporting it in a journal article.



Is sound level (variable SOUND) associated with math test scores (variable TESTSCORE)?

A.    What is the appropriate test to conduct to answer this question? ***

B.     Conduct the appropriate test to answer this question.  Paste your output in your Word document.




C.     Include a figure and describe what you see. Be sure to label your Figure per APA guidelines.



D.    Write your results in APA format as if you were writing them in a journal article.




People in your study rated how attractive they found a potential romantic partner while under the influence of alcohol (variable: ATTRAC_ALC) and again completely sober (variable: ATTRAC_SOB) on an interval scale from 1-14 where higher numbers indicate reports of greater levels of attractiveness. Did alcohol influence ratings of attractiveness?


  1. What test do you want to conduct?




  1. Conduct the test that you named in Step A. Paste the output into your Word document.



  1. Describe your result as if you were reporting it in a journal article.






A researcher is interested in comparing the effects of free time on creativity. One group of children was given 30 minutes of totally unstructured play time (“Unstructured”) and another was given 30 minutes in which an observer directed the child’s play time (“Structured”).  All children were then asked to draw a picture of something they had imagined.  Pictures were coded by independent observers for their creativity (higher numbers mean more creativity). The researcher conducted a t-test for independent means on the data.  The SPSS output is below.

Describe what Levine’s Test for Equality of Variances tells us.  Indicate why it is important, and how you evaluate and use the information provided under “Levine’s Test for Equality of Variances.”



Describe the results of the t-test in plain English – be sure to be thorough and complete in your answer, and to indicate what information you are using to draw your conclusion. Write per APA guidelines.



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