Taking into consideration all of the facts and circumstances presented in the case study assigned for Session I, does Dr. Ray Vagelos or Merck & Co have a responsibility to pursue R & D for a human version of Ivermectin, the drug to combat River Blindness



Taking into consideration all of the facts and circumstances presented in the case study assigned for Session I, does Dr. Ray Vagelos or Merck & Co have a responsibility to pursue R & D for a human version of Ivermectin, the drug to combat River Blindness? Why or why not? Provide a well-reasoned defense of your answer by making reference to the relevant pieces of specific information provided in the text. Be sure to identify which (if any) ethical values or principles that you think are relevant to your answer. Your work will be evaluated on its clarity, organization, quality of reasoning and effective use of the assigned course materials to support your answer.

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