The assignment requires you to produce a program to simulate
the control of the level of water in a sump. In attempting this assignment you
may make any reasonable assumptions, but these must be clearly stated.
To complete the assignment you will need either
an Arduino Uno microcontroller and a development shield to mount LEDs, switches and possibly other components. or
the Uno simulator UnoArduSim.
When completed you submission should include:
a program specification
a description of your program [could include flowchart/s]
a hard copy of the program source code
copy of the source code file.
Having studied the object of the program, you should pause
and carefully think out how you intend to solve the problem. Make rough notes
and sketches of flow charts before getting 'stuck into' code. Careful
preparation will save much time later on! It is best to build up the program in
modules that can be tested independently. Do not get carried away and write a
lengthy program without first testing it in sections.
You should endeavour to produce a program that shows
evidence that due regard has been given to its legibility, maintainability,
modified and extendibility.
The Scenario
FIGURE 1 shows part of a control system used to maintain the
water level in a sump between the levels high and low. Two transducers (HIGH
and LOW) are used to monitor the level. The water is pumped out by two pumps,
P1 and P2.
The water level in the sump is to be controlled as follows:
If the level reaches high one pump will start to pump out.
If the level does not reach low within about 30 seconds, the second pump will
come into action. If the level does reach low before 30 second pumping should stop.
If the level does not reach low within about 30 seconds of the second pump
starting, an alarm is given. The alarm is sounded until the level reaches low.
If the level does reach low before 30 seconds the pumping should stop. The
pumps will stop when low is detected. To give even loading of the pumps they
are to be used alternately, e.g. if on one pump cycle P1 starts first and P2 is
the ‘back up’ then on the next cycle P2 will start first and P1 is the ‘back
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