Part 1 - Using the DAPPS rule, please write one educational goal.
Part 2 - Now you will visualize the accomplishment of this goal. After vividly picturing yourself accomplishing this goal, write a paragraph of at least 5 sentences describing this exact moment. Describe the scene of your success as if it is happening to you now. Be sure to review the four keys to effective visualization from chapter 3.
Part 3 - Now that you can visualize achieving this long term goal, let’s look at the steps needed to get there. Write a 300-400 word description of what it will take to reach your goal. Be specific and vivid. What is your ultimate life dream? What life roles do you see for yourself in the future? What are your long term goals? What outcomes do you plan to achieve in the next 2-10 years to reach your dream? Break this long term educational goal down into next steps, also known as short term goals. These steps can include but are not limited to the following: campus visits/tours, deciding upon a major, meeting with your advisor, creating an individual academic plan, registering for your first semester, financial aid deadlines, and application deadlines. What outcomes you plan to achieve in the next 6-12 months to reach your long-term goals? Identity a minimum of 5. Include what you learned or relearned by designing your life plan. Identify any impact this project has had on your level of motivation to do well and ultimately reach your goal. Plot these future goals using a timeline. When will these be accomplished?
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