The final report is a formal written analysis of the research you have completed in response to your research question. The information in this report will be used for your presentation.



Final Report

Due: the Final Report must be uploaded to Blackboard by April 3rd at 11:59 pm

Late policy: please see course outline.

Weight: Assignment is worth 15% of your final mark.




The final report is a formal written analysis of the research you have completed in response to your research question. The information in this report will be used for your presentation.


Learning Outcomes


·         Research and synthesize information from a variety of secondary sources regarding workplace-related problems.

·         Determine effective solutions to workplace-related problems.

·         Produce workplace documents and presentations.




Your final report will include the following sections. Make sure that each section is clearly labelled with the appropriate header.


Research Question


State the research question that your project is addressing.




Write a paragraph or multiple paragraphs that provide any relevant background information about the research question. In other words, answer the following questions:


    What exactly is the problem that you are addressing?

    Why are you addressing this problem?

    Why is this problem urgent?


Your background should provide at least (3) three pieces of well-integrated material from another source (either paraphrased or quoted) and with proper citations.




Divide your findings section into at least (5) five subsections. Each subsection will be based around a different insight you have developed from your research. Insights are new or exciting ideas that you have discovered in your research. For each insight, provide a bolded header that states the insight.


Below the header, write a paragraph or multiple paragraphs that explain the insight, and provide evidence to support your ideas. Since an insight should be found in more than one resource, each insight subsection will be supported by at least (2) two pieces of well-integrated material in another source (either paraphrased or quoted) and with proper citations. (Note: you can reuse sources for different insights - you just need two different ones for each insight.)




Write a paragraph or paragraphs that summarize your insights from your findings. As well, address the following questions:


    How did your understanding of the problem change as you completed your research?

    What are some limitations of your research? In other words, if you had more time, what else would you have looked at?

    What are some areas that could help address your problem that need to be explored more deeply by scientists/thinkers/the world?


You should generally not be citing new ideas here.




State at least five possible responses to your answer in bullet form. Make sure the points are specific, practical and clear. Avoid vague or overly complicated language.


References Page


Attach an APA References Page for all of the sources cited in your report. Do not include the summaries from your Summary Research Report. You can use sources that were not included in your Summary Research Report, as long as they are credible.  




Aside from the header formatting mentioned above, please use standard APA formatting for the final report.


Please note that any plagiarism will result in a mark of 0%.

Related Questions in others category

The ready solutions purchased from Library are already used solutions. Please do not submit them directly as it may lead to plagiarism. Once paid, the solution file download link will be sent to your provided email. Please either use them for learning purpose or re-write them in your own language. In case if you haven't get the email, do let us know via chat support.