The member variables of a class must be of the same type. The member functions of the class must be public. A class can have more than one constructor. A class can have more than one destructor. Both constructors in destructors can have parameters. What are the built in operations on a class? What is the main difference between struct and a class? Explain why you would need both public and private members in a class. What is a constructor? Why would you include a constructor in a class? Which of the following characters appears before a destructors name? a. # b. ! c. ~ d. $ What is a destructor and what it is its purpose? Assignment Requirements: After completing your research for each question, use a Word document that includes each question number along with its response. Use a Word table with two columns, question # and your response (see table below). Question # Researched Response Be sure to insert a cover page as well as including sources of information
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