The program automatically sets the percent goal of the macronutrient intake per day: carbohydrate- 50%, protein- 20%, and fat- 30%.



1. You will only have to track the diet for three days total (not per week).


2. You could record the data on any table that you choose or enter it right into the program. Either way, the intake will eventually have to be entered into the MyFitnessPal program (MFP). Enter foods as accurately as possible. This will lead to a more accurate report. For example: Sandwich- enter 2 slices of which kind of bread, what you put on the bread (example: peanut butter and jelly) and any other added items.  


3. You should begin as soon as possible with the 3 day food logs. Then proceed at your own pace to complete the entire project 


4. Once all of the information is entered into the program, you could generate reports. The project submission should include the reports listed on the assignment (3 day printable food diary) and your typed summary evaluation of the results.  Many students have found that it is easier to print the reports from the website.


5. The program automatically sets the percent goal of the macronutrient intake per day: carbohydrate- 50%, protein- 20%, and fat- 30%. These amounts could be changed but for our purposes now best to leave as is. You will learn in chapter 2 that these macronutrients have ranges that are acceptable to meet the needs of individuals: Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR). By the time you complete the project, you will be able to comment on whether the AMDR that is listed here is the right one for you.


6. Activities- Do not enter your activities into the MFP program. This would cause the program to add additional calories for you to consume. It’s best to work with activities separately.


7. Other information-

a. The DRI for sodium is 1500mg/day. The UL is 2300mg/day. So it’s best to stay below 2300mg/day.

b. We will not be evaluating sugar intake because the MFP program includes sugars that are naturally present in foods into          the total sugar content of  diet. For nutrient density purposes, it’s important to differentiate between naturally occurring sugars and added sugars (as you see on the food labels).


8. The summaries should be typed in Word. When typed on “Pages” they don’t always open in BB.

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