The program must work per specifications.

computer science



  1. The program must work per specifications.
  2. The main function should use fetch to read in this JSON file: '/~tpollard/csci212/data/warhol.json'
  3. Then convert the JSON data string into a JavaScript object.
  4. Pass the object to a function that processes the object and builds the new DOM nodes.
  5. Read the contents of the template element from the DOM.
  6. Loop through the object.
  7.  Read a record from the object. 
  8. Make a clone of the template using cloneNode.
  9. Add the 'title' value from the object to the contents of the <h1> tag.
  10. Add the 'url' value from the object to the 'href' attribute of the <a> tag.
  11. Add the 'inscription' value from the object to the 'alt' attribute of the <img> tag.
  12. Add the first image (images[0]) value from the object to the 'src' attribute of the <img> tag.
  13. Add the 'inscription', 'mediumTechnique', and 'dating' values from the object to the contents of the <p> tag. Format the 3 variables so there is one space between each variable.
  14. Add the 'credit' value from the object to the contents of the <footer> tag.
  15. Add the article clone to the DOM fragment.
  16. After all the articles have been added to the DOM fragment add the fragment to the DOM.

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