1. Purpose The purpose of this case study is to allow you to take some of the main concepts introduced throughout the course and provide a framework for applying them to a company of your choosing. One of the best ways of learning corporate finance is to apply the models and theories we encounter to real-world contexts and problems. However, while much if not all theory can be applied to actual companies and not just abstract examples, we necessarily need to compromise and make assumptions in this process given the available information. For this reason, it may not be possible for you to address all aspects of this case study fully.
2. Context
Select one of the following companies: Woolworths, Wesfarmers, Rio Tinto or Blackmores and address the questions using the framework for analysis given under Section
6. While you are selecting a firm, ensure that you are able to obtain at least the four most-recent annual reports or equivalent (i.e. from an electronic database) as a source
of financial statement information and corresponding stock price data over a comparable period. You may use calculations from company information providers (incl. details
of source and procedures) but including your own calculations using excel are highly recommended.
Potential publicly available sources of information include the company and its website, financial and other publications, Yahoo Finance http://au.finance.yahoo.com
(financials, stock prices, profiles, etc.), the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Useful databases available via the university library include ABI/INFORM Complete
(ProQuest), Business Source Complete, Factiva, Informit Search (multiple databases), Annual Reports Collection, Aspect Annual Reports, Aspect Fin Analysis, Company360,
Hoover's Company Records (via ProQuest), Morningstar DataAnalysis and OSIRIS. The Department of AFE’s trading room has access to Bloomberg and DataStream.
Assistance in answering case studies, writing reports and referencing is available under GBS Resources Bank on the course Learning@Griffith site.
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