Art Reflection (15% of final grade)
The purpose of this paper is to help you develop an independent voice when it comes to visual art appreciation and analysis. You will choose an image from the textbook from either the Renaissance or age of Baroque which has not been covered in detail in one of the videos in the content folders. If you are unsure about your choice of work, then please contact me directly. The paper should be a discussion about one work of art. I would suggest that you choose a painting as you might have more to say about this than a sculpture. This is not a research paper – it is an analysis, one made directly by you in your own words about a single work of art. There are two art works that you cannot write your reflection on: the Mona Lisa or Raft of the Medusa. Reflections written on either of these will receives a grade of zero.
Submission details:
Formatting requirements:
600 words minimum/ maximum of 1000 words.
Times New Roman font size 12, double-spaced.
Cover page (see detailed assignment guidelines below)
Writing style:
Clarity of expression and the extent to which you have written a focused, concise, and well-presented reflection are important. Pay particular attention to grammar, spelling, and syntax. There is no external research required and so there is no need to citations or a reference list.
Academic honesty:
Your reflection should be entirely in your own words. Papers that are found to have been either wholly or partly plagiarized will receive a zero on the assignment and written notification (e.g. an Academic offense form).
Late submissions:
Late papers without permission are penalized by 10% per day late. If your paper is late due a legitimate reason you need to contact me in advance of the due date.
Assignment guidelines
Please check out the assignment guidelines below. Use these guidelines as a checklist for your writing in responding to the work of art you have chosen for your analysis. The grading scheme has three sections that you need to adhere to (for a total of 60 marks). Assignments that do not adhere to assignment guidelines may result in a grade of zero.
Section I: Cover page and formatting (10 marks)
Adherence to formatting requirements. One mark deducted for each missing element. Three marks deducted for missing cover page. Do not include this section as part of the overall word-count.
Include your name, student number, title of work, and name of the artist.
Include an embedded image of the work of art chosen for the analysis. Do not include your image as an attachment.
Required formatting: Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spacing.
Section II: Reflection (40 marks)
The following questions ask you to engage with the various compositional elements of a work of art. Include question numbers in your reflection. Do not include the questions. Each question is worth 2 marks and breaks down as follows: Excellent (5), Very Good (4), Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Not addressed/ very poor (0)
What is your emotional response to the work and what elements in the work produce this response?
How do you think the scale of the work the viewer’s experience of it? (Responding to this question requires you to research/ visualise the size of the work).
How does the colour scheme affect the viewer’s experience of the work? What mood or atmosphere does the colour scheme produce?
If there are figures, how are they represented in the work and why does this matter? For example, does one figure have more authority or centrality in the work than another? How is this achieved? If there are no figures, what is the focal point of the work and how does the artist achieve this?
How is the image composed in terms of the arrangement/ organization of what is being represented? (Suggestion: consider the use of foreground, middle ground, and background)
Is there a sense of movement in the work? If so, how is this achieved? If not, what effect does this create for the viewer?
Does the work have unity and balance? Depending of if it does or not, what kind of mood or effect does this create?
Is there a strong contrast between light and dark? Depending of if it does or not, what kind of mood or effect does this create?
Section III: Writing style and quality (10 marks)
Excellent, little or no issues regarding grammar, syntax, or spelling (10 marks)
Nicely-written, some errors regarding grammar, syntax, or spelling (7.5 marks)
Fair, several errors throughout in terms of grammar, syntax, or spelling (5 marks)
Poorly written, many errors regarding grammar, syntax, or spelling (2.5 marks)
Very difficult to read, multiples errors throughout (0 marks)
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