World Trade Organization aims at furnishing a common institutional framework
for the manner in which trade relations should be conducted amongst its
members. The main aim of the WTO is the MFN (Most Favored Nation clause) which is given in Article I of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, disallows
member countries from using policies which are discriminatory against each
other. Hence, the members of WTO must provide a treatment which is equal in
dealing with goods and services of other WTO countries. Regional Trade agreements go against this fundamental premise of
the WTO by creating a framework which caters to special preferences of the
countries involved in the RTAs for the purpose of making the trade liberal only
amongst them. These kind of special
preferences are not made available to the other WTO countries. So,
inconsistencies will naturally arise within the WTO provisions as RTAs cause
discrimination against the MFN obligation.[1]
But Article
XXIV of the GATT is an exception to the MFN principle enshrined in the GATT
where some deviation from WTO rules for RTAs was permitted for the creation of
“customs unions” and “free trade areas” if they fulfill
certain criteria by WTO. [2]The
coexistence of the RTAs amongst WTO countries and WTO nurtures a troublesome ad
complex framework of international obligations and rights. Considering that
there is a major difference in the approaches of the RTAs and multilateral
trading agreements and there exist complexities and controversies involved in
RTA, it is of prime importance to look into the problem area and making
multilateralism and regionalism coexist peacefully.[3]
Article XXIV
of the GATT, counted as one of the most complex provisions of GATT[4],
lays down rules which WTO members must follow so as to establish RTAs
encompassing trade in goods.[5]
These rules are created to keep in mind that the countries which form regional
agreements will make sure that they authentically create free trade blocs
amongst themselves and give proper compensation for any damage caused to the
WTO members’ trade interests.[6]There
was practicality ensured by the GATT drafters when they agreed to incorporate
Article XXIV as discrimination was the latent feature of the regional trade
agreements but whether the establishment of the RTAs would actually be in
consonance with the global justice system ensuring trade liberalization at
every step will have to be examined. The question that arises is whether this
Article would detract the countries from free and fair trade amongst the
nations involved in the bloc and with those outside the bloc?
The WTO countries
were eager to make the GATT exceptions liberal for the proper functioning of
the RTAs and this amounted to the incorporation of paragraph 4 into the draft
of ITO at Havana Conference and eventually led to its inclusion in GATT. This
paragraph entails the aim of the exception to WTO obligations for ‘free trade
areas’ and ‘custom unions’ and in addition to this encompasses the parameters
of liberalization of trade. A free-trade
area is that area having a trade arrangement whose members have signed to become a part of
a free-trade agreement (FTA). Such agreements encompass
cooperation between minimum two countries to lessen trade barriers – import quotas and
trade tariffs in addition to
increase trade of goods with each
other. On the other hand a custom
union means a type of trade arrangement which is basically a free trade
area incorporating an additional feature of a common external tariff. The countries
involved in a custom union come up with a common external
trade measures towards other countries not part of the custom
union. The objective for creating a
customs union is to make the economy function more efficiently and maintain and
creating deeper cultural and political ties between the member states. It comes
at the third building stage of economic integration. Customs unions are
created through trade Agreements. Eurasian Custom Union is one such type of
Custom Union.
XXIV of GATT provides exception to only custom union and free trade area and
not preferential trading arrangement. The difference between these two is that
where the free trade area aims at abolishing the trade tariffs absolutely whereas
the preferential trading arrangement aims at reducing significantly the trade
tariffs between countries but not eliminating completely. European Union is a type of FTA where the aim of this union is to
facilitate trade between the member countries by abolishing the trade tariffs
completely. Also the Preferential Trading Agreements do not cover all trade
whereas FTAs aim to cover all trades.[7]
PTAs have the aim of converting themselves into FTAs in accordance with the
principles of GATT. The purpose of the paragraph 4 is to expand the meaning of
freedom of trade and to increase the trade between the countries in the
regional arrangement without creating any barrier to the trade between the
other countries. The purpose of the paragraph 5 is to lay down the exception
provided for the free trade areas and the Custom Union from the many WTO
obligations. The rule entails the conditions to be met by the CUs and the FTAs
so that they do not have adverse consequences on the trade of third countries.
[2] Best, E. and Christiansen, T. 2008. Regionalism in
International Affairs. IN: Baylis, J., Smith, S. and Owens, P.
(eds.) The Globalization of World Politics. 4th ed. New York:
Oxford University Press, pp. 436-439
[3] Baldwin, R. 1993. A Domino Theory of Regionalism. Nber
Working Paper Series, No. 4465. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic
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