Note: There are
altogether 6 question and each question has 2 different part. Visual Studio
Windows form app required. Net beans Java. (Course- Information system,
Computer science)
Part 1: Benefit Costs Calculation
The ABC International’s
benefits package includes:
1. Medical plan:
Insurance Company charges monthly premiums based on the following rules:
Individual (no
dependent): $6000 per year
Less than 3
dependents: $7200 per year
At least 3 dependents: $9000
per year
2. Group Life Insurance:
ABC International pays entirely for group life insurance. The annual
fee is $2.5 per $1000 of coverage. The benefit for employees
varies. An exempt (not eligible for overtime pay) employee’s benefit
is two times his or her salary; a nonexempt (eligible for overtime pay)
employee’s benefit is one and one-half times his or her annual
salary. For example, if an exempt employee’s annual salary is
$50,000, then the insurance coverage is $100,000; the premium paid by the
company is: $250 (2*salary/1000*2.5).
3. 401K Retirement Plan:
Employees may participate in the 401K plan. For those participating
employees, the company will pay 5% of their salary to the plan.
4. Worker’s
Compensation: The worker’s compensation premium is based on a fee of $7.5 per
$1000 of annual salary(Salary/1000*7.5).
5. FICA Taxes (Social
Security): The Social Security (FICA) tax contains two parts. The Social
Security (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) FICA tax is based on
the first $87,900 paid at the rate of 6.2% with a maximum amount withheld of
$5450. The Medicare (Medical Hospital Insurance) FICA tax is based
on all earnings paid, at the rate of 1.45%. There is no limit on the Medicare
FICA gross.
Create a form similar to
the form below and compute and display the total benefit cost of an employee
with a textbox. Use the following data to test your program:
Employee name: Buck; annual salary: 32500; no dependent, an exempt exployee;
not participate in 401K.
Note: Compute the each
benefit cost separately and then simply add them together to get the total
benefit cot.
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