Take-home assignment covers the last four chapters (Chapter 11-14) of the textbook, namely health, globalization, social change, and social movement. Due date: 11:30pm, August 21st on Nexus. It is worth 25% of the course grade.
Part A. Following relevant textbook chapters and lectures, answer the following short-essay question (50 points)
Q. There are mainly three theoretical explanations on the international relations, namely the modernization theory, the world system theory and the world society theory, please
1) Introduce the key ideas of these three theories (30 points, 10 points for each)
2) Discuss how they are related to each other (20 points).
Please be reminded that, a brief introduction and conclusion are to be included in your answer. Your answer for this question is expected to be around around 700 words. Other sources are not required; APA format is preferred for citations and references; yet title page and running header are not necessary.