This assignment serves as an introduction to the use of JavaScript. You are to build an interface and program for E-Marks Incorporated. E-Marks allows a student to buy the marks that you need to be successful at University. You must zip up your JavaScript page html document for marking and submit it in the drop box. There will be a subtraction of 20 marks for each item that is not in your assignment.
The Form (50 Marks)
a) The screen below has been designed to input the values for your mark request. Design a
screen similar to the one below and use a table in your design. Note the values are only
for display and you would have to enter them when you run your program. Note that
your form should put the value of 0 (zero) in the number of courses and the total cost.
Put an appropriate title on the screen.
b) Insert two command buttons, Go for it, and Clear and Reset
c) Insert the following checkbox
d) Add a text area to your screen design to show a summary of your request
e) Create a second text box that looks like the following. It will be empty until you use
the command buttons
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