This assignment should be helpful in generating and refining topics for your upcoming Narrative essay (look ahead to the Narrative Essay writing criteria). This practice also may be helpful in future writing projects. List three significant events that ha



This assignment should be helpful in generating and refining topics for your upcoming Narrative essay (look ahead to the Narrative Essay writing criteria). This practice also may be helpful in future writing projects. List three significant events that have happened in your life (these should be things that have changed you in one way or another). Write a sentence or two about why you feel each event is important to you. Write a sentence or two describing why you feel each event could be important to your readers. After writing your sentences, decide which of these topics interests you enough to write your essay about and interest your readers enough to read about. Write a paragraph or two based on the event you've chosen. Try to identify who was there, what they were doing, and what they were saying at the time of the event. Submit your work as a single document.

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