This class has helped you to gain knowledge of pitch concepts, rhythm concepts and harmony concepts.



Composition Project 

This class has helped you to gain knowledge of pitch concepts, rhythm concepts and harmony concepts. Understanding how to put these concepts into practice and combine them means you can now write music! 

For this final project you will be creating TWO musical composition, each 12 measures in length with ORIGINAL melodies.

1. Use the popular music chord symbols and write in the given chords on the bass clef staff.

a. Follow the key and time signature. 

b. You may use block chords, arpeggiated chords or both styles. 

c. You may use root position, inversions or both. i. Feel free to use inversions even if the figured bass in not there! I purposely left it out to give you more freedom. 

d. You may add in multiple versions of the same chord OR use one chord repeatedly within a symbol duration.  

Instruction Files

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