Title of the paper: IPv6 and SNMP

computer science


Project Assignment (individual project): The project can be either:

 an implementation exercise (related to Network Management) using the

OPNET software (or any other software, e.g., Spectrum, OMneT++, etc.) or

 a paper on an important topic in network management. 

The potential topics for your paper or software exercise in network management are listed as


1. Policy-based management;

2. Web-based management;

3. Quality of Service (QoS) management;

4. Response time management;

5. Broadband technologies, multimedia applications, and related network

management issues;

6. Service level management;

7. Event correlation;

8. Differences between SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3;

9. Internet2;

10. IPv6 and SNMP;


The paper should consist of about 10 typed pages plus illustrations, bibliography, and

appendices (if necessary). A minimum of three technical articles and/or books must be used

as sources for your paper. At least thirty percent of your reference materials should be

technical articles published within two years.

You must submit your outline by and discuss it with me before you start writing the paper or

start your project. If you need advice regarding the topic to select, the format of the paper, the

contents of the paper, or reference material, you should discuss it with me. Discussing the

same with your classmates is also encouraged. The outline discussion process is very

important, because, only through this process, I may help you to organize your paper, advise

you on the contents of the paper, advise you on where to find references, and guide you to the

right direction. A student should make the project presentation at the end of the semester (see

the course schedule). 

Below is a recommended outline.

1. Cover page (See APA Sample paper)

2. Introduction

a. A thesis statement

b. Purpose of paper

c. Overview of paper

3. Body (Cite sources using in-text citations.)

a. Explain established or original Network management ideas

b. Discuss internal evidence and external criteria using contemporary research.

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