Instructions and rules:
1. Unless otherwise stated, you must show ALL work. An unsupported answer receives zero credit even if the answer is correct.
2. Please read each question carefully. Misreading questions is a common source of errors on exams.
3. Please box your final answer for each problem.
4. The exam is open book and open notes. You may repurpose code provided on Canvas posted for this course.
5. Submit all solution code. Submit plots as a .fig file, the default option for saving Matlab figure files. Each submitted file must start with Problem_X, where X is the problem number that the file corresponds to, for example Problem_3_simulink.slx or Problem_1_partc.fig.
6. Illegible work will receive zero credit.
7. Please insert no more than one blank page per problem if you need more space to write the full solution.
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