Using the guidelines from The Norton Field Guide to Writing, chose an issue you know fairly well and are interested in, and write an essay in which you argue your position on the issue. Please note that is not a research paper. You should weigh in on an issue about which you already know a great deal; you should not use sources. Also note that this is a relatively short paper, and you need to choose a narrowly focused issue. Many topics simply cannot be fairly or adequately dealt with in just three pages. The death penalty, the drinking age, gun control, legalizing marijuana, and abortion are some examples of issues that are too broad, and that you should therefore not write about for this paper.We will use the discussion board this week to help identify the best topics/issues.
But there are some prompts to get you thinking about possible topics.What do you believe? Consider the “This I Believe” feature and develop your own version. Is there an issue currently under debate in your hometown that interests you, or that you feel strongly about? The possibility of a casino coming to your town, or of MacDonald's opening in a tourist/historic district, is an example of a town issue that would fit this assignment.What political issues affect you? Which interest you even if they don’t directly affect you?What about issues related to parenting? Education?Are there controversies or issues related to your workplace that you feel strongly about? Dress codes, attendance policies, disciplinary policies, the prohibition of tattoos,etc. could all be possible issues.
A successful paper will clearly articulate, explain, and defend its position on a narrowly defined issue, without using generalizations or stereotypes. It will also acknowledge and address other perspectives or counterpoints on the issue. Essays should be clear,organized, and polished for technical correctness.
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