WA2_393_instructions_or_procedures.pdf NOTE: At the end of the instructions above, it states that this assignment is a draft. This is NOT a draft. You will not get feedback before a final version is submitted. What you submit will be the final, graded ass



WA2_393_instructions_or_procedures.pdf NOTE: At the end of the instructions above, it states that this assignment is a draft. This is NOT a draft. You will not get feedback before a final version is submitted. What you submit will be the final, graded assignment. In the class chat, we clarified the following, so I'm putting it here as well. The document should have a title page (separate) that states the name of the instructional manual, your name date (it is NOT an APA title page). Note: In the assignment instructions above, there is a VPN manual example. Use that as a guide, but your manual DOES NOT have to be 25 pages! See the VPN example in the instruction link above and here for title page,Table of Contents and List of Illustrations, etc.: VPN Instruction Manual example It should have a Table of Contents for the text sections of the manual and a List of Illustrations that lists the images you used in the document. See the VPN example above. It should have a reference list that lists graphics that are not your own and any sources you may have used. However, the instructions should be your own. Do not copy/paste from others. The document should be 3-5 pages (not including the title page, TOC/LOI and reference list). It should be single-spaced (1.0 line spacing). The instructions say to create original graphics, but I don't require you to do that. If you can take your own screen shots or use your camera to take your own photographs, that is fine. If you use other people's images, they must be cited with an APA Figure caption under the image and listed in the reference list. We covered how to do this in the class chat. If you are using your own images, technically they don't have to be listed in a reference list, but do put a note there that the images are yours, so I don't think you forgot to cite the images used from other people.

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