What are some of the basic precautions a computer owner or network administrator can take to help make the computing environment secure? What are some of the basic security threats that a user or administrator might have to face? Many people believe the n



What are some of the basic precautions a computer owner or network administrator can take to help make the computing environment secure? What are some of the basic security threats that a user or administrator might have to face? Many people believe the new "chip and pin" credit cards will reduce fraud. What do you think of this new technology? Is it still vulnerable? What do you consider the minimum security precautions for your computer? For example is it necessary to have an antivirus, ad-aware, malwarebytes, ccleaner, etc? What do you have on your system? How do you ensure that your system is secure? Malware or malicious software can cause problems with your computer (slowing it down) and even damage your data. What are the following types of malware:

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